Presidential Dollars, Deluxe Edition, P & D Whitman Hard Cover - Folder to hold or display your coins! $23.95

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Presidential Dollars, Deluxe Edition, P & D Whitman Hard Cover - Folder to hold or display your coins!


Product Details

The Presidential Dollars, Deluxe Edition, P & D Whitman Hard Cover Folder is a must-have for coin collectors and history buffs alike. This deluxe edition folder is specifically designed to house and display the Presidential Dollars series, which honors each of the United States presidents.

This hardcover folder features slots for both the Philadelphia (P) and Denver (D) minted coins, allowing you to collect and display a complete set. The folder has a durable cover and is made to last, ensuring that your coin collection remains safe and well-preserved.

Whether you're a seasoned collector or just starting out, the Presidential Dollars, Deluxe Edition folder is perfect for organizing and showcasing your collection. This comprehensive folder provides a convenient way to track your progress in completing the full set of Presidential Dollars while also protecting your coins from damage.

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